Hard-Boiled Egg Perfection

“Egg-zactly” Perfect Boiled Eggs

Can you boil an egg? I know, I know, “insert your favorite joke here.” But believe it or not, many people have asked me how to boil an egg. Well, heck. Before I had any sense I figured that boiling eggs in water for half an hour was the way to go. Little did I know.

Over boiling eggs leaves that delightful green ring around the yolk that is oh so appetizing and the texture is something NOT to be desired. That's the way my boiled eggs used to come out.

I noticed that my grandmother used to make the most prefect deviled eggs that I had to ask her where she bought her eggs at. I thought that where you bought your eggs, not how you boiled your eggs was the crucial difference, but no. I got learned, now so can you.

This method I'm about to reveal is the easiest, fool-proof method out there. Grandma insisted that I should have no real difficulty learning this. She’s right. As the saying goes, “It's so easy even a caveman could do it.” Pretty much if I can do it, anyone can, so lets get a crackin’.



How To Make It:

1. Place the eggs in a pot large enough so that all the eggs have plenty of “breathing room” and cover with cool water.

2. Place the pot on the stove, uncovered, and set the heat to medium-high and bring this baby to a boil.

3. Let the eggs boil for one minute, then remove the pot from heat and cover with a lid.

4. Let the eggs cook for 11 minutes off the heat, then drain the hot water from the pot and rinse the eggs under cool water.

Presto! “Egg-zactly” Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs.

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